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by Naomi and Stephen

Together Through the Father's Love. 

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Together through the Father's love1

Together through the Father’s love

we are one family.

His love in us, our love for him

holds all in unity.

Let us praise and sing

for he’s good and true;     

love and mercy flows.

From him all things are made new.


Together on the Jesus road,

we learn his servant heart,

discovering that humility

is where true blessing starts.

Let us walk his way

raise our voice in song

to the Love, whose love

is our joy and makes us one.


Together when the Spirit leads,

her whisper like a dove,

resisting our complacency

she kindles gifts of love.

Let the breath of life

spark in us a flame

for a hurting world

to find comfort for its pain.


We stand together on this day

and make our pledge in faith,

with hope for all the future holds

and trusting in your grace.

We will journey on

guided by your Word;

voices, hearts and lives

singing “Jesus Christ is Lord!”

   singing “Jesus Christ is Lord!”    


For Sheet music click here
Youtube Link below

About the Hymn

This was the hymn that got Naomi and Stephen working together. Originally it was commissioned to celebrate the refomation of the Churches Together in Fromeside (South Glos). Members of the congregations from Anglican, Methodist and URC backgrounds were invited to submit words and phrases which summed up our partnership. 

From this input Naomi and Stephen crafted this hymn... very quickly we realised we wanted to give it a Trinitarian (Father Son and Holy Spirit) structure... and so it emerged. 


As we worked on it the URC announced a competition to celebrate their 50th annversary... a denomination with ecumenism at it's heart... so it seemed appropriate that the final hymn should be entered into that competition... we won... in the category of new words and new music. We were chuffed, and we've had some lovely feedback from people who've used the hymn, to celebrate unity and commitment. 

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